6 countries where it is legal to be a surrogate mother

Although the rates of assisted reproduction in Spain are quite high, the truth is that there are many couples with problems of fertility who do not achieve their objective. Many of them end up resorting to surrogacy, also known as surrogate mother or surrogate. Gay couples who want children and want at least one member of the couple to be a biological father, or who have problems adopting, in addition to single men who want to be parents, also opt for this alternative.

The so-called replacement pregnancy is a practice whereby a woman agrees to give birth to a baby, giving up all her rights, in favor of another person or partner. As you know, this process involves numerous ethical, economic and legal complications. In fact, the belly of rental It is only allowed in a few countries. We talk about the legislation in six of them below.


First of all, we want to talk about the United States, where surrogacy is allowed by law or jurisprudence in the following states: Nevada, California, Texas, Illinois, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Florida, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Washington. Of course, you should know that in some of them only pregnancy by substitution is accepted altruistic and others do not allow this technique to single women and men or to gay couples. In addition, it is important to note that the cost varies between 80,000 and 150,000 euros.


Another American country that allows surrogacy is Canada. In this case, it is legalized for all family models, although the law establishes different restrictions that make searching for a surrogate mother difficult. For example, the purpose must be altruistic, that is, the compensation economic, although the applicant must pay all the expenses derived from the pregnancy. It is important to note that in the province of Quebec this practice is not legalized.



We moved to Europe to talk about Russia, a country that allows surrogacy to heterosexual couples and single women who cannot get pregnant. Of course, the Russian law does not allow the pregnant woman to contribute her ovules, but must come from the couple or from a donor. The price of the process ranges between 35,000 and 45,000 euros.


Ukraine also allows this practice, although only to married heterosexual couples. In addition, it is mandatory that, at least the father, provide his genetic material. On the other hand, it is only allowed when the mother of intent cannot become pregnant or if doing so could put her health or that of the future baby at risk. We also want to comment that in Ukraine there are several agencies surrogate, so that future parents have it easy to find a surrogate and clinics to carry out the process. The price of the process ranges between 28,000 and 40,000 euros.


Another country in Europe that allows surrogacy is Greece, yes, for heterosexual couples and single women who cannot have children in any other way. Since 2014 this practice is allowed for citizens foreign. The approximate cost is between 35,000 and 50,000 euros. However, there are some problems in obtaining affiliation in Spain and being able to register the baby. For this reason, it has not yet become a destination chosen by the Spanish.



Finally, we want to talk about Georgia, a country that accepts surrogacy to women who do not have a uterus or who suffer any malformation or inability to conceive. In addition, you should know that this practice is only allowed to married heterosexual couples, so homosexual couples and women and men who want to be single parents are excluded. The cost ranges between 30,000 and 40,000 euros.

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