
The Kilimanjaro It is much more than the top of the African continent, it is a myth that mixes adventure and the testimony of the explorers. It is the challenge in which you really test your abilities, and you do it on a spectacular mountain located northeast of Tanzania. Kilimanjaro is made up of three inactive volcanoes: the Shira, at 3962m, the Mawenzi, at 5149m and the Kibo, located between them and whose peak, Uhuru, rises to 5891m, thus constituting the highest point in the entire African continent .

Due to global warming, since the 20th century this mountain has been suffering a sharp decrease, with what is estimated that between 2020 and 2050 it will disappear completely, so if you want to visit it in its splendor you should hurry up. It has also suffered significant deforestation, and this despite being a National Park since 1973 as it is home to shepherds in the north and west and Chagga farmers who cultivate plots that extend all over the slopes of the mountain.

In five days you can conquer this frozen roof of Africa and go down to the heat of the continent. For starters, you will enter a lush forest along a large wide and beaten path where you will find powerful vegetation. The path turns into a tunnel whose roof is strips of fiber that hang and sway in the wind as the sun's rays seep through the trees, a spectacular landscape worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.

A little bit higher, after that spectacular tropical walk, you will find a glacier, just before discovering, in the mist, the Kibo. You will walk among an almost lunar landscape, but be prepared because it is all up and it is getting harder and harder to breathe, so be careful. You are almost at 4600m and the cold is going through your clothes, you may need oxygen, but there is little left. When you are on the Equator and the Sun rises, you will see how it turns the snow into an incredible reddish color that will make you say "it was worth going up here", in addition, of course, to the spectacular views that you can have.


  • Kilimanjaro
  • 1,230