The rarest museums in the world

I love the museums And whenever I visit a city I like to inform myself in advance of which ones there are so that I can dedicate a day or two to seeing several, especially if they are original due to their content or their location. The truth is that scattered around the world there are a lot of curious museums that are worth visiting if you are going to be in that place, although there are others that apparently attract you more attention.

Here are some of the most curious museums in the world so you can give a touch of originality to your trips. Take note:

Mysteriae Pragensis Museum: It is in Prague and it is located in what was formerly a medieval castle, without a doubt a spectacular place. It is a mystery museum since in that castle there has always been the legend that there were a lot of ghosts and strange deaths. Upon entering it you will be greeted with an image of death and you will take a tour of all the most terrifying legends of Prague.

Naigai museum: It is in Tokyo and it is a museum where you will find a collection of more than 20,000 socks. Yes, socks. Of all kinds and including the largest in the world, a piece that belonged to a famous Sumo wrestler named Kitamo Umi. If a sock exists it is definitely in this museum and you will be able to see the different pieces from different periods.

Museum of Man and Science: It is in Johannesburg and thus at first glance it does not seem to us that a museum called that may have something in particular, but it certainly has. Among the weirdest things you can find are the pony and donkey tails hanging from the ceiling and lots of stuffed animal heads. If you are a great animal lover I do not recommend you to go as it can impress you quite a bit.

Top 10 Insanely Cool Museums (May 2024)

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