The most important cities in Belgium

Are you thinking about the destination for your next vacation? Well we recommend that you have Belgium very present! And is that this country known for hosting some of the most important institutions in the world, such as the headquarters of the European Union or NATO, is perfect for all kinds of travelers, although it will amaze those who love culture and history. Of course, we must not forget that Belgium hides spectacular medieval cities and offers exquisite gastronomy, good beer and a perfect atmosphere on its streets.

To help you plan your view of Belgium today Hard Hobbit To Break We are going to tell you about the most important cities in the country. Do you want to join us?


Capital of Béligca and Europe, Brussels is a city that has a lot to offer the traveler, since it combines the characteristics of a large city with the magic of small cities. So, here you will find streets full of charm and history, monuments like the Manneken Pis or the Atomium cores, beers that will delight lovers of this drink, and the best chocolate. You also cannot miss the Grand Place, the 50 Years Park and the cathedrals of San Miguel and Santa Gudula.


Of course, we also have to talk about Bruges, considered one of the best preserved medieval cities on the entire planet. Founded in the 11th century, the capital of the West Flanders region is a World Heritage Site by the Unesco since 2000. Its network of canals, its Plaza Mayor, the Tower of Belfort, the Plaza de Burg and the Town Hall stand out.


The next city on our list is Antwerp, which has always had an important commercial and cultural role. It is the second most populous city in the country and has one of the most important ports on the continent. In addition, it is famous for its diamonds. In fact, Antwerp produces 85% of the world's rough diamonds. For this reason, it is also known as the Capital of Diamonds. If you have the opportunity to visit Antwerp you cannot miss its Plaza Mayor, the Rubens House Museum, the Cathedral, the Diamond Museum, the Castle and the Museum of Fine Arts.


We continue our tour of the most important cities of Belgium in Ghent. Known as the City of Flowers, it stands out for its network of canals and its rich heritage cultural, which mainly concentrates the medieval urban center. Thus, you must visit the town hall, the Castle, the Church of Saint Nicholas and the Korenmarkt square. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that it is one of the liveliest cities on the continent thanks to its student population.


Considered the fifth largest city in Belgium, Liège is located near the confluence of the Ourthe and Meuse rivers. Stands out for its wide historical center, where important buildings can be seen typical of the region, in addition to small alleys. Among the places that you should not miss if you have the opportunity to travel to Liège are the Palace of the Prince Bishops, the Palace of Justice, the Cathedral of Saint Paul, the Town Hall and the Baruen Mountain, a steep path of 400 steps from where you get beautiful views.


Knowing that we left some important cities in the pipeline, finally we are going to talk to you about Namur, a historical city that has many museums and monuments, in addition to being located in a privileged location: at the confluence of the Meuse and the Sambre. Among the most visited monuments we find the Citadel, the Cathedral of Saint Aubain, the Beffroi bell tower, the Church of Saint Loup and the Treasury of the Priory d'Oignies.

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Top 10 largest cities of Belgium - Capital: City of Brussels (June 2024)

  • Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, cities, Ghent, Liege, Namur
  • 1,230